
Composition A Journey by Bus/A Bus Journey that I Enjoyed

Journey is a great source of pleasure to me. I had a great fascination to make a bus journey. In the last month, I got an opportunity to make a bus journey. It was really an interesting journey.
I live in Mathbaria. My uncle serves in Dhaka. He lives there with his family. He invited me to come to see his family. I accepted the invitation gladly. My school was also closed. My heart was leaping up with joy. Because, my dream was going to be true. I was counting the days for making the journey. At length, the waited day came and I prepared myself for the journey. The destination was Dhaka.
On the fixed day, I went to the Mathbaria bus stand at 7 a.m. The bus came to the stand and I got on the bus. I collected ticket two days before so that I can get better seat. My seat was by the window. The bus left the stand at 7.30 a.m.
The bus started running at a good speed and soon it left behind the din and bustle of the town. I enjoyed the green fields, trees and orchards on the both sides of the road. The bus was moving ahead leaving behind the trees, fields, houses and small shops on the both sides of the road. It was really very delightful to see the beauties of nature.
The crossing of the mighty river, the Padma by ferry was not less interesting. The bus reached at Kaorakandi ferry ghat at 1 a.m. The driver told us that we could get down from the bus. After sometime, the bus got chance to got on the ferry. I saw innumerable boats, launches and speed boats playing on the river. At the ferry, some hawkers were selling bananas, muri, chanachur etc. I bought some bananas. It needed more than two hours to cross the river by ferry.
Then the bus reached Maoya ghat and began to run at high speed again. About forty minutes later, the bus reached at Saidabad bus stand. My uncle received me at the stand. I got down from the bus and finished a colorful lesson of an interesting bus journey.
The journey was very pleasant. It was one of the most memorable days of my life. I shall never forget the day.

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