ArchiveAugust 2020
পরিস্থিতির সাপেক্ষে নভেম্বরে হতে পারে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা

পরিস্থিতির সাপেক্ষে নভেম্বরে হতে পারে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা

শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান না খুললেও পরিস্থিতির সাপেক্ষে নভেম্বরে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা নেয়ার কথা ভাবা হচ্ছে। করোনা পরিস্থিতির উন্নতি হলে স্বাস্থ্যবিধি মেনে এইচএসসি…
Corona Virus Composition For Any Class

Corona Virus Composition For Any Class

A COVID-19/ coronavirus is kind of a common virus which causes an infection in nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most of the coronaviruses aren't d…
সি এবং সি++ এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য (Difference Between C and C++)

সি এবং সি++ এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য (Difference Between C and C++)

সি   ১. সি হলো একটি প্রসিডিউরাল প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ। ২. রিজার্ভড কি ওয়ার্ডের সংখ্যা কম। ৩. ইনপুট এবং আউটপুট লাইব্রেরীভিত্তিক এবং ফাংশনসমূহের অন…
বিগত ১৫ বছরের সকল প্রকার Exam এর 500 VOCABULRY ( Part 2)

বিগত ১৫ বছরের সকল প্রকার Exam এর 500 VOCABULRY ( Part 2)

501: significant -গুরুত্বপূর্ণ 502: transaction - ব্যবসায়িক লেনদেন বা চুক্তি 503: unanimous - একমত 504: warrant - পরোয়ানা 505: withdraw - প্রত্যাহার …
My First Day At College Paragraph

My First Day At College Paragraph

The first day at college is a memorable event for any educated person. I also remember the day when I first went to college. After passin…
Your Childhood Paragraph

Your Childhood Paragraph

It is pleasant to remember ones childhood memories whether it was pleasant or painful. Even though I am aged now, I can still remember so…
A Journey By Train Paragraph

A Journey By Train Paragraph

Traveling by train was one of my long cherished dreams. I always looked for a scope to make a journey by train. Finally I had a chance to…
A Beggar Paragraph

A Beggar Paragraph

A beggar is a known figure in our society. He is a person who begs alms from door to door or on the streets. He is generally found wander…
Natural Calamities Of Bangladesh Paragraph

Natural Calamities Of Bangladesh Paragraph

Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities because people here live fighting against the natural disasters. The country is prone t…
A Book Fair Paragraph

A Book Fair Paragraph

A book fair is a fair where books are displayed for selling, advertising and ot public recognition. Book fair is arranged to inspire view…
Our Country /Bangladesh Paragraph

Our Country /Bangladesh Paragraph

Bangladesh is a beautiful, green, small but populous country. It is situated in the south-east Asia. She is surrounded by India on three …
Load Shedding Paragraph

Load Shedding Paragraph

The suspension of the supply of electricity for a certain period is called load shedding. In our country it has become a regular affair d…
Environmental Pollution Paragraph

Environmental Pollution Paragraph

Environmental pollution means a remarkable change in chemical, physical and biological characteristics of environment. Objects, forces an…
War Of Independence Paragraph

War Of Independence Paragraph

It is true that no nation could emerge as an independent nation without struggle or fight for it. So war of independence is a fight again…
Eve-teasing Paragraph

Eve-teasing Paragraph

At present eve-teasing is a burning question in Bangladesh. Recently it has grown to an alarming state owing to some unfortunate deaths. …
Premature /Early Marriage Paragraph

Premature /Early Marriage Paragraph

Early marriage means a wedding between a young boy and a young girl before a r reaching puberty. The girls of the extreme poverty stricke…
Health Is Wealth/Keeping In Good Health Paragraph

Health Is Wealth/Keeping In Good Health Paragraph

An unhealthy man can not live a normal course of life. So there is a proverb that, 'Health is wealth'. A sound mind lives in a so…
An A Eid Day I Celebrated Paragraph

An A Eid Day I Celebrated Paragraph

I have enjoyed many festivals in my life. The Eid festival is one of them. I celebrated the Eid-ul-Fitr this year very superbly. Before t…
My Family Paragraph

My Family Paragraph

Family is known to be an Important economic and welfare institution. There are some destitute children in our society who are unlucky bec…
Necessity Of Education Paragraph

Necessity Of Education Paragraph

If a nation stands for a human body education can be compared to its backbone. We need education to keep pace with modern civilization. I…
Importance Of English Or, The International Language Paragraph

Importance Of English Or, The International Language Paragraph

Language refers to the meaningful sounds that we utter to communicate with others. Language has its written form too. Again, the language…
The Shaheed Minar Paragraph

The Shaheed Minar Paragraph

The Central Shaheed Minar is located beside the Dhaka Medical College at the premises of the University of Dhaka. It was built as a memor…
Cyclone Sidr Paragraph

Cyclone Sidr Paragraph

The word "Sidr" comes from the native language of Sri Lanka. The word means eye'. It was named 'Sidr' because the s…
A Kitchen Garden Paragraph

A Kitchen Garden Paragraph

A kitchen garden means such a place where different types of vegetables and culinary herbs are grown for the use of the family. A kitchen…
How Leisure Pursuits/Pastime Paragraph

How Leisure Pursuits/Pastime Paragraph

To pass time in doing some interesting things other than one's regular duties is called leisure. Leisure helps us rejuvenate and rech…
A Moonlight Night Paragraph

A Moonlight Night Paragraph

The night when the full shaped moon showers its sweet beams is called a moonlit night. A moonlit night occurs once in a month in the brig…
Unfair Means In The Examination Paragraph

Unfair Means In The Examination Paragraph

An examination is given to judge the students' merit. So the whole process of giving an examination should be clean and fair. I like …
Visiting Zoo Paragraph

Visiting Zoo Paragraph

A zoo is a vast restricted area where different kinds of wild animals are kept encaged for displaying. Visiting the zoo is a great charm …
Deforestation Paragraph

Deforestation Paragraph

There is a close relationship between man and nature. Trees are the man's best friend in nature. But people cut trees thoughtlessly i…
Our Environment Paragraph

Our Environment Paragraph

Our environment consists of the natural elements and man-made objects around us. So, air, water, soil, trees etc. make up the environment…
Dowry Paragraph

Dowry Paragraph

Dowry system is a harmful practice which the people of our country have been nourishing for long years. Dowry is the large amount of mone…
ভার্চুয়াল রিয়েলিটি কী?বিস্তারিত

ভার্চুয়াল রিয়েলিটি কী?বিস্তারিত

ভার্চুয়াল রিয়েলিটি একটি কম্পিউটার নিয়ন্ত্রিত পরিবেশে যেখানে ব্যবহারকারী ওই পরিবেশে মগ্ন হতে বাস্তবের অনুকরণে সৃষ্ট দৃশ্য উপভোগ করতে, সেই সাথে বাস্…
কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা কী? বিস্তারিত

কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা কী? বিস্তারিত

কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা হলাে মানুষের চিন্তাভাবনাগুলোকে কৃত্রিম উপায়ে কম্পিউটার বা কম্পিউটার প্রযুক্তিনির্ভর যন্ত্রের মধ্যে রূপ দেয়ার ব্যবস্থা। কম্পিউটা…
বিগত ১৫ বছরের সকল প্রকার Exam এর 500 VOCABULRY ( Part 1)

বিগত ১৫ বছরের সকল প্রকার Exam এর 500 VOCABULRY ( Part 1)

1: Methodical -সুশৃংখল 2: regular -সুগঠিত/ সুষম 3: Legible -সহজপাঠ্য 4: sense -ইন্দ্রিয়/অনুভতি 5: responsible -দায়ী 6: gregarious -মিশুক/সামাজিক 7: …