
Corona Virus Composition For Any Class

A COVID-19/ coronavirus is kind of a common virus which causes an infection in nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most of the coronaviruses aren't dangerous.  This virus was found in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization(WHO) identified SARS-CoV-2 as a new type of coronavirus. The virus quickly spread around the world. Coronavirus can spread by close contact. Mainly through person to person contact. Infection range is mild to serious critical or deadly. The common signs of coronavirus is fever, coughing and breathing difficulties. Symptoms can be show up in as few as 2 days or as many as 14 days. In some cases people don't need any special treatment for this infection. The period of coronavirus is 1 to 14 days but sometimes it can last long for 1 month or more.  Some times infected patients do not display any symptoms despite having the virus in their systems.

The signs of serious cases are, 

Trouble breathing or shortness of breath.

Ongoing chest pain or pressure.

Bluish lips or face. 

There’s still no specific treatment for COVID-19. People who are in mild condition need care to ease their symptoms, like rest, fluids, and fever control. The WHO recommends basic hygiene such as regularly washing hands with soap and water, and covering your mouth with your elbow when sneezing or coughing. We should avoid unnecessary and unprotected contact with animals and be sure to thoroughly wash hands after contact and always wear mask when going outside of the house.

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