
An Ideal Teacher Composition

An Ideal Teacher

In every country of the modern world education is sought to be raised to an ideal plain. universally admitted that no ideal education can ever be imparted without ideal teachers. Hence in every society ideal teachers are in heavy demand. It is therefore, of utmost importance to discuss and decide who an ideal teacher is, or. In other words, what are the qualities that go to make an But it is ideal teacher.

The ideality of a teacher has to be determined by some solid and dependable tests. Why do we come to the college? My answer is that we are sent for two purposes-proper education and sound character. And the teacher who does his best to contribute to the fulfilment of these two ends of education is the ideal teacher. To do so is not obviously an easy task and calls for the possession of certain virtues and qualifications which, therefore, a teacher to be called ideal must acquire and cultivate.

Firstly, good education begins with sound academic instruction for which the teachers are required to be both scholarly and dutiful. To make his instruction interesting, the teacher must labour to make his lectures easy and lucid, so that students in general may follow him. He must also enforce the rules of study and neither neglect his duties nor tolerate any negligence on the part students.

Secondly, to help the formation of character, a teacher must combine the role of a friend and a philosopher whom the students may emulate and that of a strict disciplinarian whose displeasure will restrain them from evil ways. They will have a free access into his personal association in the college, at home, in the library or at the playground. They must, in short, receive a free flow of love and attention from him. But they must at the same time feel that his love is conditioned by their of being loyal and dutiful.

In conclusion, it is a debatable point whether ideal teachers are entirely born or can be made in part. If scholarship alone would constitute the ideality of teachership, they could well be made because there are scholars outside the periphery of teaching. But qualities of the heart, such as, intense interest in the career of students, love for their welfare and the attitude of treating students as sons and daughters, are never to be acquired by those who drift into the profession out of necessity or compulsion. Unless these inherent virtues are there, sheer intellect, laboured diligence or practised sterness of character cannot make a teacher ideal. Hence, it would be safe to say that ideal teachers-teachers like Dr. Arnold, Derozio, Hare and Laski-are born, not made.

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