
Globalisation Composition


The word 'globalisation' has become a buzzword in recent times. The concept of the term is not very clear to everybody. Globalisation may refer to more extended economic relationships between all the countries of the world. It implies less narrowing of the boundaries of cultures and a movement toward the mixing or interchange of rituals, concepts and ideas among cultures. At length, it suggests the friendly interchange of man-power.

Globalisation is a new concept. The reference of the concept has been stated in the Quran. Allah has said that He could create us all as one nation or one ethnic group. But instead of doing it, He has divided us in colours, nations, cultures and language groups so that we might know each other from a unified plane of view and of reality. Globalisation is the result of an effort of realising this universal idea contained in human mind. So sometimes it may refer to a borderless world. Sometimes it may refer to a multicultural village. Sometimes it may also refer to a huge global family where more than six billion people are living together.

Globalisation may appear to be a tool in the hands of the developed countries to exploit the wealth and man-power of the underdeveloped and the developing countries. In some cases, this allegation has proved true. It also becomes theoretically valid to some extent. But many scholars opine that in the long term globalisation will do good to all types of economies. Because globalisation nurtures and ensures a free global economy. People of all societies and of all economics can be benefited by it.

In the sphere of communication, globalisation tends to connect the whole world into a continuous and unbroken system. For globalisation, we will have to export some things that we need more. Paradoxically we will have to import some things that we do not need at all. This unfair and untimely exchange may cause a national imbalance in the short term. It may result in various economic, political and social problems. The surge of globalisation is pushing the Western unformatted cultures into our society. It is disturbing the balance of our mentality and social psychology. Some people of our society are leaping forward to keep up with the Western culture. But some others are defending their own cultures against the Western ones. This cultural conflict has already started in the country. This tension may hamper fundamentalism. In the sphere of organisation, trade and ecology, globalisation has contributed a great lot. Because now the whole world can put a single-pointed effort with a special purpose in many important cases. It becomes very easy for us to prevent environmental pollution and to preserve ecological balance worldwide. Globalisation has changed our way of thinking and broadened the ins and outs of our consciousness. It is perhaps the most far-reaching implication of globalisation. Globalisation creates a lot of opportunities and power.

Globalisation will have another major impact on our family structure, As we all know, the structure of families in a society depends on idiologies, religious tendencies, views, educational backgrounds, economic strength and personal states of the people. Globalisation is influencing almost all these factors related to the mind as well as the society. Thus it is telling upon the traditional format of our thoughts and views of the structure of kinship in the society.  

Globalisation is an unavoidable consequence of human development. We can never stop it, nor should we seek ways to do so. Rather we should try our best to keep pace with the progress of the world and at the same time to maintain our own identity. After all, if we suffer from the destructive disease of identity crisis, we can never prosper. We can never stand beside others. This is because if we are not like ourselves, others will not value us in any way. Therefore, in order to reap the benefits of globalisation and also save ourselves from its harms, we must keep our eyes open and act wisely.

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