
Composition My Favourite Poet/Quazi Nazrul Islam

Everybody has a favorite poet. My favorite poet is Quazi Nazrul Islam. He is not only favorite to me but also favorite to all. He will remain everlasting in our mind with his writings. He is known as rebel poet.
My favourite poet, Quazi Nazrul Islam was born on the 25 May, 1899 at Churulia, a village of Burdwan in West Bengal. His father was Quazi Faqir Ahmed and his mother Zaheda Khatun. He was a truant boy from his very early days.
Nazrul Islam lost his father early in life and had to struggle hard against poverty. When he was ten years old, he was admitted to the local primary school. He fled away from his home to Asansol when he was twelve years old and became a baker's boy. He drew the attention of a Muslim sub-inspector of police who sent him to village home in Mymensingh district. Nazrul came back to Asansol and admitted a local High School. He read there till the First World War broke out. He joined the war and later became a Havildar.
He had great merit from his childhood. During his childhood, he composed verses in Bengali. From the military camps he sent several poems and prose compositions which were published in the Bengali magazines of Calcutta. He composed patriotic songs, poems, short plays, stories, novels, play and other things. His poem "Bidrohi' brought about a revolutionary change in the country. He inspired the nation through his writings.
Nazrul was the rebel voice. His message was the message of rebellion. He asked the people to rebel against tyranny and oppression. He raised his voice against all social injustices and inequalities. He devoted his pen to the freedom of country. For all these reasons, he is my favorite poet. 
It is a matter of great regret that the rebel poet suffered from protracted illness and loss of mental imbalance. He breathed his last on the 29th August, 1976.

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