ArchiveJuly 2020
বর্ষাকাল অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা

বর্ষাকাল অনুচ্ছেদ রচনা

প্রকৃতিতে রূপের সৌন্দর্য নিয়ে ঋতুর পরে ঋতু আসে।কখনো শীতের কুয়াশার চাদরে ঢাকা থাকে চারদিক, আবার কখনো ঝিরিঝিরি বৃষ্টি নিয়ে আসে বর্ষাকাল। বাংলাদেশে মোট …
A Fox And A Goat Story Writing

A Fox And A Goat Story Writing

Once a thirsty fox happened to fall into a well. He tried his best to get out of it but in vain. After a while a goat came there for a dr…
Two Cats And A Monkey Story Writing

Two Cats And A Monkey Story Writing

Two cats lived in a house. Once the stole a piece of cake. They could not decide to divide the cake between themselves. So they began to …
A Greedy Dog Story Writing

A Greedy Dog Story Writing

One day a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop in the market and ran away with it. On the way he had to cross a bridge acr…
The Golden Goose Story Writing

The Golden Goose Story Writing

A man had a goose. It was not a usual one, for it laid one golden egg every morning. Each egg brought the man quite a fair amount of mone…
A Memorable Rescue Paragraph

A Memorable Rescue Paragraph

Last Saturday was a memorable day in my life. I went to the river for taking my bath at 9 a. m. as usual. The bathing ghat was not crowded then. Only…