
Globalization Paragraph For Any Class

Globalization means spread of business covering the whole world. In the present world globalization has been introduced with a view to extending border less market. Through globalization free flow of products as well as ideas is possible. Because of globalization a country can be benefited in many ways including free access to market, hi-tech information, trade, Commerce, cultural affairs, employment opportunities and so many. Mainly the developed countries are highly benefited for globalization. On the other hand, the developing countries are affected, to some extent, because the developing countries lack in modern technology, skilled manpower and necessary capital. So the developing countries can not match with the developed countries. The capitalist countries are becoming richer day by day. Whereas, the poor countries becoming poorer. In the context of developing countries, Bangladesh is affected because of globalization. She can not keep pace with the border less ma by globalization. Globalization has created competition but the poor developing countries like Bangladesh are no match for the industrially developed economic super powers. So the productive sectors of Bangladesh are at stake. However, globalization can be fruitful only if there is proper balance regarding positive attitudes of all, policy, trade, commerce etc.

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